By Chris Gearing and Dr. Sylvia Gearing The 2019 film “Ford vs Ferrari” starring Matt Damon and Christian Bale focuses on the turbulent relationship between two legends of the world...
Watchmen: Episode Two – “Martial Feats of Comanche Horsemanship” By Chris Gearing and Dr. Sylvia Gearing Welcome back, Mr. Phillips / Ms. Crookshanks! A quick word of warning that the...
Watchmen: Episode One – “It’s Summer and We’re Running Out of Ice” By Chris Gearing and Dr. Sylvia Gearing Pull down your mirrored faces and fire up your Tulsa PD...
By Chris Gearing and Dr. Sylvia Gearing Put on a happy face, dear readers. This is your final warning for spoilers for the entire movie of “Joker.” We also discuss...
“Ad Astra,” Early Life Trauma, and the Sins of the Father by Dr. Sylvia Gearing and Chris Gearing Hello fellow astronauts! The following article contains pretty much every spoiler possible...
Understanding Traumatic Invalidation In “Rocketman’s” Elton John From “Goodbye Yellow Brick Road” To “I’m Still Standing” By Chris Gearing and Dr. Sylvia Gearing Hey there, Honky Cat. Two quick notes...
Why Daenerys Targaryen Became A Tyrant By Chris Gearing and Dr. Sylvia Gearing Hail and well met, dear reader. The following contains spoilers for all of Game of Thrones including...
A Song of Daenerys Targaryen and Dragon Fire Understanding Complex Trauma and Why The Dragon Queen’s Story Ends In Ashes By Chris Gearing and Dr. Sylvia Gearing Hello, dear reader....
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